The 10k Creator

Documenting the principles and frameworks that creators can use to reach a 10k audience and $10k monthly revenue.
The 10k Creator
Photo by ConvertKit / Unsplash

If you're anything like me, you've been a creator for a while.

Two of your goals are very similar to mine: grow an audience, and create a business that sustains your creative work.

You've tried everything - you're on every social media platform, you've started a blog, a newsletter, a podcast, a YouTube channel, and have paid for courses and consulting and agencies to help you in these different areas.

Yet, here you are, years later, with not much to show for all of that time and money invested in your success.

Had enough of it? Yeah, me too.

I started my personal creator journey in August of 2021 with my first book for creators, Craftsman Creative.

For the first time ever, I made meaningful progress in both my audience growth (2x in 8 months) and my revenue (see below).

How I did that - and how I grow to an audience of 10k and $10k in monthly revenue - is what this book is about.

I'm writing the book in public, meaning that I'm publishing the chapters as I write them. To get them in your inbox, subscribe here:

I'll write one each week and include it in my weekly newsletter, which you'll get when you sign up using that button up there ☝️.

Below is the Table of Contents, where you can choose your own adventure through the chapters of the book.

Once I've reached 10k email subscribers and $10k in monthly revenue (averaged over the previous 3 months), I'll release the book.


Section 1 - Mindset & Frameworks

Chapter 1 - Ideas vs Execution
Chapter 2 - Bias to Action
Chapter 3 - Experiments
Chapter 4 - Tracking
Chapter 5 - Theory of Constraints
Chapter 6 - Raise Your Standards
Chapter 7 - Get Bigger Reasons
Chapter 8 - Simplifying to One Goal

Part 1 - Audience

Section 2 - 0 → 1,000 Email Subscribers

Chapter 9 - Your First 100, Manually Helping People
Chapter 10 - 100-500 Subscribers, Scale the Unscalable
Chapter 11 - 500-1,000 Subscribers, Introducing Systems & Processes
Chapter 12 - Experiments That Worked
Chapter 13 - Milestones In This Stage

Section 3 - 1,000 → 2,000 Email Subscribers

Chapter 14 - Know your value
Chapter 15 - Learn copywriting
Chapter 16 - Consistency, the key to audience growth at this stage
Chapter 17 - Alignment between you, your business, and your audience
Chapter 18 - Do more of what works and less of what doesn't

Section 4 - 2,000 → 5,000 Email Subscribers

(No chapters yet, because I'm just starting this phase)

Section 5 - 5,000 → 10,000 Email Subscribers

(Chapters to come once I reach this stage)

Part 2 - Revenue

Section 6 - $0 → $100 Monthly Revenue

Offer & Audience Discovery
Products vs services

Section 7 - $100 →$1,000 Monthly Revenue

Manually scaling through cold outreach
Finding your ideal customer

Section 8 - $1,000 → $2,000 Monthly Revenue

Scaling freelance work
Scaling products
Adding in systems
Lead generation strategies

Section 9 - $2,000 → $5,000 Monthly Revenue

Increasing the number of clients
Increasing the average order value (AOV)
Tracking the right metrics
Focusing on what works, eliminating what doesn't
Outsourcing/Hiring contractors

Section 10 - $5,000 → $8,000 Monthly Revenue

Shifting your mindset from creator to business owner
Budgeting and financial tracking
Adding new products and revenue streams
Reaching a new tier of clients
Escaping the pricing dead zone

Section 11 - $8,000 → $10,000 Monthly Revenue

A business of interconnected products & services
Connecting audience to revenue


Where to go from here?
Who can you help with your journey?
Creating a new vision & goals for the future of your business
10X is easier than 2X

Don't want to miss the next chapter? Get new chapters of the book delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the free weekly newsletter:

Want to read my other book, Craftsman Creative? You can read it here for free:

Craftsman Creative | Book
A written-in-public book project about how to grow from a five-figure creator to a six-figure business owner.

Or get a physical copy of the final, edited book here:

Craftsman Creative Book
Buy your copy of the Craftsman Creative book, written by Daren Smith